Thursday, December 27, 2007
Big year coming up
Once again, I have proved how easy it is to do good ecommerce. With 6 live sites hitting record months every month and 2 more due first quarter of 2008, the competitors will start to feel the squeeze I think in 2008. I hope to totally destroy my baby Instawares by the end of 2008. They will not be able to handle the onslaught of 6 sites going directly against them and a shopping comparison engine to boot which they won't have access to. Some days I wish I had never founded Instawares, because I made a lot of crooks money, but it was a good learning curve for me. And I am turning around and doing it again at the same rate with nothing to stop me thus far. And being profitable since month 2 is pretty sweet as well.
Starting 2008 in ETO,
Michael is a Blue Belt.
Abbey is a purple belt.
Wyatt is a purple belt.
I am a purple belt.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My Birthday
Friday, December 14, 2007
Full Circle
We are celebrating Max and my birthdays tomorrow out at Jennifer's house. Should be fun. We are all loaded up on paintball gear for this winter too. I can't wait.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Little JAK

Little JAK is a great baby. He had his first doctors appointment today and lost his belly button cord as well. Still reselling hardy boy books on ebay. The homeowners meeting in Waterside was interesting, public roads gated off, the enforcer boys were savvy. Bartow county screwing us this year on property taxes. Wyatt is still adding features to his box car. Here is a pic of the crew and cousins Max and Cole in a gold mine Summer 2007.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Little JAK and laser tag
Migrated blog
I bought the kids a snow making machine from Pretty cool, I stayed up all night and blew about a foot of snow on the front lawn. I think I can safely say we were the only place in Georgia with snow. The neighbors were a bit astounded. The kids had a blast sledding and we had a big neighborhood snowball fight.
My first client recorded record daily , weekly and monthly sales. Good start. Client #2 should get started this week. Megs Custom Creations is coming along slower than I would like, but that is life. Monica, the kids, and I went to our property today. I downed 3 big, big pine trees. Boys will be boys.
Monica is renovating the kitchen. It is looking great. New cabinets, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. The kids all got straight A's in school. Client 1 recorded record sales and profits in December. Client 2 should start taking orders this week. Megs Custom Creations is almost ready. Client 4 is waiting to get started. We saw the Cirque De Soleil Sunday with Drew, Mel, Marylin, and Drew's mom. Corteo was an awesome show.
Monica started working with me today. My first employee. Client 1 had record sales, orders, and profit for the month of January. Client 2 is being loaded up right now. They are definitely going to take people by surprise. Megs custom creations is coming along slowly. I think it is about time to look at the laser engraving machine. Chris Daughtry's first album is awesome, it went platinum in its first month.
I got my orange belt this past weekend. Abbey got her green belt. We are Making more progress on megs custom creations. May start a consulting company.
Michael got his blue belt. My first client had his 4th record month in a row.
We went up to NC to see Monica's dad. The kids had a blast at the beaches in NC and SC.
Client 1 had another monster month. Another baby is due on December 12, 2007.
Abbey turned 7 this week and Wyatt turned 6. It is amazing how different boys are from girls.
Abbey got a guitar for her birthday. Wyatt got a car game that him and Michael are upstairs playing right now.
I got my green belt finally. Stephanie got the kids a big blow up water slide. They love that. Every kid in the neighborhood comes over to play in it. I helped Gehrig move his stuff out to Hobbs , NM. A pretty uneventful trip to say the least. I did get a chance to see Carlsbad Caverns. That is one BFC. Anyway, another record month for Client 1. Record month for site #3 as well. Client 2 is getting close with their backend upgrade and site to go live. I read The Purpose Driven Life. Pretty good book.
Client1 and 3 had monster record months. Client 2 is getting his backend upgraded and we should go live within a couple of weeks. Old slick Willy Hayes got fired last week. Justice is served. I figured he would not last a year. They said he kept lying and lying to the new owners about everything. I guess a crook is a crook is a crook. Anyway, the kids and I have had a lot of fun this summer. Boating, whitewater, gocarts, 4 wheeling, swimming, and more. Michael is reading hardy boy books now. They are good kids. I just started reading 123 Magic this week. Hopefully it will help with the kids. And of course I read my bible every night. Helps to make some sense of this messed up world and why things are the way they are. I am creating a business plan for a big venture I plan to launch soon, it will make instawares and my first few clients look like nothing.
The kids and I went to Tallulah Gorge with mom and Frank's kids. What a blast for the kids. Looks like I might get into the hunting and fishing market now and take on cabelas and bass pro shops. That site ought to be very interesting.
Another monster record month for client1 and client3. Client 2 is coming online very soon. Hunting and fishing site is being formed right now. We have to incorporate and get the ball rolling. Michael got his black stripe on his blue belt last week, while Abbey and Wyatt got their purple belts. They love it that they are ahead of me again. 3 more months till baby # 4. Monica's new office downstairs is almost finished. Kids started school this week, Abbey got Michaels teacher from last year, Miss Taylor. Wyatts teacher is from South Africa.
Another record month of online sales. I went climbing in Colorado with Sport, Popeye, and Pappy. Great time, we went to Lumpy Ridge, Eldorado Canyon, and Vedavoo. We got the front door fixed and Monica's office addition done. Frank is still dealing with Mercys BS. Ehoffmaster should be live this coming week, expecting big things from that. Monica has been awfully nice this month. Abbey lost her first tooth. Wyatt has developed a little scowl when he gets mad now.
Sites are doing great. Stephanie had her baby girl today. Rebecah Molly Wilson. I guess I will call her kids Molly and Ollie. I took the kids kneeboarding Sunday, they are getting better at it. The lake is very low, we are in a severe drought here. Anyway, 2 months to go for our next baby boy.
Another record month for all 4 sites sales and profit wise. Open Season Gear has launched now and took its first couple of orders this week. We saw grandpa today down at aunt Terri's house. He is looking good. He made us an awesome jalapeno steak sauce for dinner. Real estate market is still in the crapper. If the sites continue to grow at the rate they are, we will begin to invest in real estate soon. I test for my purple belt next weekend and am looking into taking Juditzu. I ride my bike to ETO every day now. Baby boy will be delivered on Dec 10.
Baby Jak was born today. 21 inches long and 8 lbs 7 oz. He is a very healthy baby. I videod the C-section and was quite fascinated by it. The kids were excited to have a baby brother. I am going to try and blog his life day by day. November was another record month of sales for the websites. OSG is online and taking orders now. Site #6 is coming online this month. Grandpa gave me the recipe for the best jalapeno steak sauce of all time. MMMMMMMMM.